Courier service

Home Courier service

Courier service – Fast deliveries all over the world

With East-Line Logistics, you can also count on our courier services for international, national and intra-community urgent transportation. Whether it’s an urgent shipment from Rotterdam to Venlo, from Amsterdam to Athens or from Lisbon to Oslo, East-Line Logistics offers 24-48-72 hour service and takes all your deadlines off your hands. We are available 24/7, including for your weekend deliveries. For example, a ship in southern France, Istanbul or Stockholm, a production stop in Sofia or Zagreb, East-Line Logistics arranges it!

Fast deliveries for all your locations

With East-Line Logistics, you can count on the best courier services for all your locations. We guarantee smooth and fast delivery of your goods. Whether short or long distance, our courier services are strong, reliable and flexible. We specialize in transporting all types of goods, from small documents and packages to pallets and containers.

Cost effectiveness

When you choose East-Line Logistics, you can count on cost-effective courier services. Our courier services are tailored to your needs as best as possible. We offer an affordable and high-quality solution for all your transportation needs. In addition, your goods are taken care of with the best care and attention.

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